Archive by Author

Say Bye Bye To My Fear Of Technology

28 Jun

We live in the era of technology. Who can imagine their life without mobile phone or computer? I guess the answer would be: “Nobody”. However, we need also to know how to use technologies otherwise they, that are created to make our lives easier, are useless.

I belong to people who have a fear of technology. Everything what is connected to computer such as new applications or installations makes me immediately scared. In the same time I realized that it can’t last forever because if I don’t install a useful add or the program it can happen that, for example, all the data will be lost.

This is the reason why I decided to solve the problem with advertisings and banners that appear on my screen all the time and annoy me. In order to find solution I checked add-ons for Firefox, the browser I use. As we can see, Adblock Plus  has the highest rating and many good references. It was written that this add-on gives you control of the internet and customizes your filters. That is why I chose it.

I installed Adblock and restarted Mozilla Firefox. However, nothing happened. Then I restarted it again and again but it didn’t give any result. Usually, I felt myself helpless and gave it up. But not today. As Professor Bruce taught us, I asked Google. It helped me to find this video where you can find detailed explanation of the installation process and a link to the web-site with useful information.

After Adblock was installed on my computer, I chose a filter subscription “Easy list”. When I open my favorite Facebook the next time, I could click the right button, press “Block the image” and then “Add filter”. After that this advertising or image is blocked and won’t appear on your screen anymore.

It was my first small victory. I found out that if you don’t give up immediately and if you know where and how to search, there will be no problems anymore. I am looking forward to continue with fighting against my technology fear.

When will we say Goodbye to Second Life?

21 Jun

Second Life. Probably, you could ask: “What else can be written about it?“ . We have already discussed about its idea, business and education there. However, there is always the way to deepen the topic. Today we will try to answer the question which companies, universities and just people are thinking about.

What is the Future of Second Life?

The best way to get to know the answer is to ask Linden Lab, the CEO of Second Life. As we can read in the article “Second Life CEO looks to the future, after massive layoffs”  Linden Lab wants to continue developing services such as Second Life Viewer software or a version of the service that runs in a browser, with no download required. Also he is going to focus more on Continue reading

Virtual degree. Do you want one?

13 Jun

Last week we discussed about advantages and disadvantages of doing business in Second Life. We could see that many companies invested their time and money in it. However, not only enterprises find this virtual platform attractive.

According to the article “Second Life: What’s there is potential”, there are more than 100 schools and universities in Second Life. You can attend online training, class and workshop or even make a presentation and pass exam there. It sounds unreal but Continue reading

Virtual world. Real money

2 Jun

Have you ever dreamed about owning a whole island by your company? Or probably you have thought about one single place where you could communicate personally with customers from all over the world? If you have done it then it is the time when your dreams can become true.

Yes, I am talking about Continue reading

Second Life…Are you in?

26 May

After five weeks of blogging, I found myself in prostration. I had three blogs posts about Social Networks and two of them about 3D and its future. And I absolutely didn’t know where to go next and what to write. What shall Social Networks and 3D have in common? For a long time I was thinking about it until I decided to ask GOOGLE. As it is known, GOOGLE knows everything and my situation wasn’t an exception. I found Second Life. Continue reading

What is the future of Social Networks

20 May

Previous weeks I wrote about the future of 3D and I got so much excited about this future topic so I decided not to give it up. My two first blog posts were about Facebook and privacy on Facebook that is why I got an idea to connect these two topics and to write about the future of social networks. I made a couple of researches trying different search words in Google like “Social Networking 3.0”, “the future of Social networks” and so on. And what do you think? I found Continue reading

How does the future of 3D look like?

15 May

Last week we started our discussion about the future of 3D and we took 4D as an example.  However, it is not the only possible direction. Today we will see what else we can expect in the nearest future.

One such direction could be Continue reading

4D is coming

10 May

Last week I was in the cinema where my friend and I watched “Thor”. Before the movie, we had an opportunity to see advertisements of upcoming movies. Mostly all of them you could watch in 3D. That moment I realized that just some years ago 3D was a new thing and people were ready to pay a lot for a chance to wear 3D glasses. However, what do we have now? 3D is almost everywhere. There are 3D cinemas, 3D web-camera and 3D TV at home. Where could we go from here? What is coming next?

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How to stay safe on Facebook?

3 May

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Are YOU in control?

26 Apr

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